Celebrating our connections
By Kasey Hovik
Umpqua Watersheds is working hard to educate people of all ages about our natural world and the importance of protecting, restoring and celebrating our wild places. As [...]
Connecting The Dots
Executive Director’s Update
by Kasey Hovik
One key to creating a sustainable organization is being able to make connections inside and outside of it. For over 29 years, the collective [...]
Executive Director Update
B y Kasey Hovik
Spring is a time for renewal and an increase in activity in nature and in organizations. This is certainly the case with Umpqua Watersheds as [...]
Executive Director Update Winter 2023
By Kasey Hovik
On December 2nd, the Umpqua Watersheds Board of Directors and Staff held our Annual Strategic Planning Meeting. It’s a great opportunity to spend time together and reflect [...]
Executive Director’s Update: Fall 2023
Over the last couple of years Umpqua Watersheds (UW) has increased our focus on building partnerships and increasing collaborations to support our mission and our community. [...]
Executive Director’s Update
by Kasey Hovik
It is amazing to me how every year after our Annual Membership Banquet, I come away with so much energy, gratitude, and determination because of the support [...]
By Kasey Hovik
I celebrated my 65th birthday in February. It is a “milestone birthday” because, for many, it marks a retirement age. I have spent time pondering what [...]
By Kasey Hovik
As we head into a new year, it is always amazing to look back at the events, activities, and hard work that the Staff, Board of [...]
By Kasey Hovik
Fall is always an exciting time for Umpqua Watersheds and me personally because it starts another term for our AmeriCorps program. We are very proud of all [...]
From The Executive Director
By Kasey Hovik
On June 1st I retired from Umpqua Community College (UCC). It was my great honor and pleasure to work there. While it was sad leaving UCC, my [...]