Cow Creek National Scenic Trail #1424
Cow Creek National Scenic Trail #1424
Cow Creek is a major tributary of the South Umpqua River. The 6 mile trail follows the creek through a lush old growth forest, with trees 500+ years old. The [...]
Emile Old Growth Trees Grove
I highly recommend a visit to Emile old growth trees grove. It is easy to get to for an inspiring outing a few miles up Little River. Complete directions are [...]
Restoration Chair and Vice President of UW interview
Marbled Murrelet nest site protected on the Elliott
A recent victory for conservation group, Cascadia Wildlands, gives protection to a Marbled Murrelet nest site.
Wyden introduces The River Democracy Act
Conservation groups win lawsuit
AmeriCorps Update
What an incredible year of education, outreach, and meaningful relationship-building!
This year has [...]
Outreach Update: Banquet 2024
by Kasey Hovik
On Sunday, June 2nd, Umpqua Watersheds celebrated its 28th annual membership banquet. Even though it rained we were able to enjoy being with our members and supporters [...]
Restoration Update. Ken Carloni
As another summer begins to bloom and our thoughts turn to the great outdoors, we’d like to share the projects and progress that the Restoration Committee [...]