Wyden’s Bill Comes to Life!
Published February 13th, 2021 in Conservation, News
After over 2 years of research, many town halls and public meetings, and 15,000 nominations from Oregonians across the state, Senator Ron Wyden’s River Democracy Act of 2021 has come to life.
Senator Wyden put out the call for Oregonians to nominate their favorite rivers and streams for consideration in a new river protection bill. You spoke up, and he listened! The River Democracy Act of 2021 was introduced with Senator Jeff Merkley as cosponsor. This legislation is great news for anyone who values clean drinking water, fish and wildlife, and public lands recreation!
The River Democracy Act of 2021 includes important protections for nearly 4,700 miles of rivers and streams, including sections of the upper North Umpqua River tributaries like Big Bend Creek which is very important for cold water to help Summer Steelhead in the Frank and Jeanne Wild Steelhead Sanctuary. Please ask Senator Wyden to include the upper South Umpqua River and its tributaries, it needs and deserves protection. Wild and Scenic designation does more than just protect rivers against dams – it also has significant benefits for protecting wildlife habitat & migration corridors, and the forests alongside rivers which store vast amounts of carbon.
Please send Senators Wyden and Merkley a thank you message, or make a quick call?
You can also leave a quick thank you message with their staff at:
Senator Ron Wyden’s office: (202) 224-5244, wyden@wyden.net
Senator Jeff Merkley’s office: (202) 224-3753, Senator_Merkley@merkley.senate.gov
Write a letter to the editor thanking Senator Wyden and Senator Merkley