Winter 2017
Stanley Petrowski
Greetings one and all. I hope you are enjoying the Holiday season. No rest for the weary here at Umpqua Watersheds. That’s not a complaint. It’s just a description of the reality we live in as modern day conservation/ restoration advocates, especially here in Douglas County. Amidst the onslaught from the political arena to undo the many years of notable achievements by the conservation community, we continue to hope for the best. Our all-volunteer Board of Directors, most of whom sit as Committee Chairs win our growing organization, are constantly busy. The current social climate has galvanized our community to come together like never before. Recently we did the Umpqua Watersheds’ annual strategic plan review. Visionary ideas and an extensive aggressive agenda are the hallmark of this year’s focus. The winter edition of the 100 Valleys contains some of the major projects we are working on, but it by no means covers everything. As we gathered as a Board to explore Umpqua Watersheds’ future, one thing became very clear. Your financial support is the linchpin to success, both yours and ours, as we strive together for the health and well-being of our surrounding natural world. We hope this edition of the 100 Valleys will inspire you to consider Umpqua Watersheds in your year-end giving. Below is a list of critical projects which need financial support. Feel free to designate a particular project that you have a keen interest in seeing successfully implemented. If you would rather give to the general fund to help us keep the lights on – that would be most welcome. Let me remind you, whatever you give goes a long way to move this important work forward. Large donations or small, they are all important to us. We are a lean and mean organization. There are no frivolous expenditures in our budget. Do you know friends and family that are also aware and concerned for the needs of our ecosystems? You can help us and them by building up our membership base. A membership application is included in this edition of the newsletter.