Summer 2018
Stan Petrowski
With the wonderful help of our volunteers, Staff, and Board of Directors, Umpqua Watersheds continues on its journey to fulfill its vision for the Umpqua region. Our internal reorganization is having a reinvigorating impact on our morale and capacity to respond to the waves of challenges facing the natural world. Political and social actions that destroy the complexity and beauty of our planet seem to come in unending stream. We are unrelenting in our commitment to answer the call. UW is compelled to be strategic, lean and resourceful to address the rapidly changing shifts in our society. I can hardly express the wealth of confidence my colleagues here at Umpqua Watersheds inspire in me. We are working together as a team on an unprecedented level since my participation as a Board member began a decade ago.
With the support of our committed donors, the Board, staff and volunteers we are entering a new phase of outreach that will be seen in our new website, radio programs and educational activities. One of the biggest complaints our supporters have expressed is our lack of communication with regard to the highly impactful work being done behind the scenes every day here at Umpqua Watersheds. We’ve been so swamped with projects and commitments in service to our mission that little time has been available to keep our organizational family fully informed. That is all about to change with our renewed commitment to meet our outreach obligations. All of the Board’s work is voluntary. We sincerely hope you will patiently await this new effort to keep you informed. Thanks for your continued engagement and contributions to this critical work. We can’t continue without you.