Old Growth crucial to fighting Climate Change
Brooke Jarvis, Science, 04.01.2020
Nature is already socking away a lot of carbon for [...]
Spotted Owl Critical Habitat likely to decrease
The Trump [...]
Oregon 2020 Fires burned managed fires the most
Conservation Update
From the Conservation/ Legal Director ….Angela Jensen
It is hard to believe that it has been 3 months since the last newsletter and while I am still learning and growing [...]
E&E News on NEPA rewrite
Agency finishes NEPA rewrite, waits for White House
Marc Heller, E&E News reporter
Published: Tuesday, June 30, 2020
The Forest Service’s National Environmental Policy Act rewrite is [...]
Crater Lake Wilderness Campaign recommended hikes
Crater Lake Wilderness Proposal Hikes Summer 2020 [...]
Conservation Update.. Summer 2020
From the Conservation/ Legal Director ….Angela Jensen
As a new member of the Umpqua Watershed team, it is an honor and privilege to write this as my first article for [...]
Action item! BLM rule change could limit public input.
BLM Timber Protest and Salvage Announcement 5-28-20
We will need public as soon as we are able. Check back here for the address to comment or follow the links [...]
Conservation Update
By Diana Pace
Elliott State Forest
The Elliott State Forest (ESF) is 93,000 acres of the Central Oregon coast range and the only significant state owned old growth forest [...]
I would like to correct a number of inaccurate statements made by one of our county commissioners in his recent guest column: “The proposed Crater Lake Wilderness: A dangerous road [...]