Winter 2017
John Hunter
2017 has been a busy year for DCPARC, our first full year as a committee under the Umpqua Watersheds umbrella.
We continue to attend meetings and presentations and are active in writing to our elected representatives in continuing our efforts to bring greater transparency and better representation to our County government in order to protect our County parks and natural resources.
We had a booth at the UW Brewfest in October. We were honored to have Dr. Dave Braun, world renowned Arboriculturalist, at our booth. He had a display of samples from 5 conifer stumps he collected last spring from Busenbark. (See photo) Upon completion of this project, UW will a permanent record of some of the truly Majestic trees that once stood at Busenbark. Thank you Dave!
In November DCPARC was proud to be part of the Watersheds annual mushroom hike at Iverson Park. Thirty seven people from around the County attended and enjoyed the beauty of Iverson Park as well as the mushroom harvest education.
Thanks to Kat Stone we have been able to have a recurrent presence at the twice weekly Board of Commissioner (BOC) meetings, monitoring their activities is of paramount importance.
Also, we have maintained a monthly presence at the Parks Advisory Board meetings. The turnover on their board has become an issue. As of this writing, 2 positions have yet to be filled. Two applications have been received. Both are attorneys, educated and passionate about Parks, with varied experience. Diana Wales, once again applied, and they chose to seek more applicants. Robert Johnson, a Douglas High JV Basketball coach and a practicing Roseburg attorney had also made an early application. It is curious to note that the PAB meetings for November and December were canceled, (Makes one wonder what 2018 will bring?) By attending meetings of Committee Citizen Involvement (CCI), Planning Advisory Committee (PAC), and Planning Commission allows as to track the activities of the County Planning Dept. On December 14th there will be a 2nd hearing on the proposed OHV Park at the former Lookingglass transfer site. We plan to attend, and urge others to attend as well. No matter the decision that night, this controversial issue will probably end up in court.
2018 promises to be a challenging one for everyone in the Umpqua Watershed. Both Commissioners Chris Boice and Tim Freeman are running for reelection in May. The 2018-2019 Budget Hearing “informational” meetings have already started and the parks are still being run “like a business.” With your support DCPARC will continue to monitor these issues. As well as to continue questioning the BOC about their use of Title III funds. Join us the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6 pm at the Watersheds office for monthly meetings. Remember Busenbark!