
Umpqua Watersheds Blog


Wilderness Committee Update Summer 2021

Published June 19th, 2021 in Wilderness

Robbin Schindele

In late May Wilderness Committee members presented an overview of the Crater Lake Wilderness proposal (CLWP) to an enthusiastic group from the Many Rivers Chapter of the Oregon Sierra Club and Oregon state officials. The event was recorded and sent out to their membership to determine if the Sierra Club Oregon is interested in joining UW by promoting the proposal. Having such a prominent conservation organization as an active partner would add significant capacity to our efforts.

The committee is also working to rebrand the proposal. Oregon Wild was a strong partner in our coalition a number of years ago but has stopped supplying promotion materials and a website. They have recently decided to focus on the River Democracy Act. Working with them on that is Bob Hoehne. He is lobbying hard to get the Upper South Umpqua River included as a wild and scenic waterway.

As a result, the website they managed is gone and the branding materials are no longer available. We have decided to develop a brand presence and logo ourselves. Materials such as brochures, stickers, caps, and T-shirts will be developed. We will also be expanding the Wilderness page on the Umpqua Watersheds website with new more complete content. Materials will be available at the Farmers Market and UW office in mid-June. Stop by and pick one up, sign postcards and say “hello.”

The big news for this quarter comes from Tony and Susan, working with Erik Fernandez from Oregon Wild, they have added two new areas to the CLWP. The stunning and outstanding 1,200 acre Spring River section as well as the important and threatened 6,000 acre Steelhead Creek section. Kudos to them!



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