
Umpqua Watersheds Blog

UW Blogs, Wilderness

Wilderness Committee Update

Published June 15th, 2023 in UW Blogs, Wilderness

by Robbin Schindele


Members of Umpqua Watersheds and the Wilderness Committee went on a fine hike this month on the Jesse Wright section of the North Umpqua Trail. It was a beautiful day, and the trail is in good shape all along the 4+ mile segment. A good time was all. There will be more hikes coming up this summer so watch the Watersheds Face Book page or the event calendar on our website.

Every second Saturday of month through September the Wilderness Committee will be at the Umpqua Valley Farmers Market proselytizing for the Crater Lake Wilderness Proposal. We will be informing market goers on the details of the proposal and the benefits that the creation will bring to the planet and the citizens of Douglas County. Stop by our booth and sign a post card to our federal legislators in support of the proposal (we’ll mail it for you) or GET A FREE WILDERNESS CAP OR T-SHIRT (for a $20.00 or more donation to the wilderness committee.) We’ll have plenty of literature with more information on the proposal and Umpqua Watersheds as well as our ever popular free UW refrigerator magnets. Or just say HI!

On June 27 we’re have an event at the Roseburg Public Library from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. We’ll be showing the movie, “The Lost Salmon.” It documents the tragic loss of salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest from Northern California to the Canadian border. The movie will be followed by a presentation by Evan Leonetti from ODFW on the current state of Salmon in the Umpqua drainage.

We are planning on doing this kind of event frequently in the coming months on a wide variety of subjects so watch the UW Facebook page and your monthly Watersheds Moments for more information.

Thanks for your interest folks and have a great summer.



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