Update from the Education Committee
Wrapping Up & Continuing On…..
The past couple of months have been a whirlwind as I completed my AmeriCorps term of service and stepped into my new role as the Director of Education and Outreach! I have enjoyed being a part of Umpqua Watersheds for the past year and am so grateful to be able to continue working with the organization in this new capacity.
One aspect of my new role will be to coordinate various programs and events. I will continue to facilitate our Turning Over a New Leaf book club virtually, every-other-month. On Saturday, September 25th, we are discussing A Generous Nature: Lives Transformed by Oregon, by Oregon author Marcy Cottrell Houle, who will be joining us for the session! Pick up a copy from your local library or bookstore today and email me (ryan@umpquawatersheds.org) to register and receive the Zoom link to attend. In October/November we are reading Maybe One: A Case for Smaller Families, by Bill McKibben, with a Zoom session to discuss that book on Saturday, November 20th.
Each quarter, we will have volunteer training which covers upcoming opportunities for involvement. Our next training will take place in October. Additionally, we are hoping to host a film screening in November. Be on the lookout for more information regarding both events!
Our Education Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month, and we are currently seeking new members – especially local youths and teachers! If you or your child might be interested, please send me an email (ryan@umpquawatersheds.org) letting me know your name and why you’d like to be a part of our group.
Another exciting new initiative that we’re doing this fall is a Scenes of the Umpqua Calendar, which will feature photographs showcasing the beauty of the Umpqua watershed. More information on this will be available on our website and Facebook page by early October.
I look forward to seeing and interacting with you during our upcoming events! With smiles…..~Ryan Kincaid