Alysia Gaye’s love of nature started early in life. In the early nineties, she made a trip to the Northwest to check out the forest, waterfalls, wild places, and rivers. Captivated by the beauty of nature, she moved to Oregon in 1994. Upon arriving, she stopped at the North Umpqua River, and fell in love. After many years of exploring, and living in various parts of Oregon, it wasn’t until 2012 that she moved to the Umpqua Valley making it her permanent residence and place of business. In 2015 she moved her international business to Glide Oregon, where she specializes in flavors, aromatherapy supplies, and natural remedies. Not too long after moving to Glide, she opened an apothecary shop, that specializes in rocks and minerals from around the world. This was a realized dream of living and working by the river, and natural beautiful places.
She is passionate about her connection to the river and wilderness and feels rejuvenated by the nature that surrounds her. Her involvement with Umpqua Watersheds began soon after she moved to the Umpqua Valley as she connected to other passionate people that shared her desire to protect the special places in the area. She feels blessed and fortunate to be able to contribute to Umpqua Watersheds to make a difference. She stays busy managing her business and enjoying her hobbies such as gem and mineral collection, playing music, and gardening. We thank Alysia for her contributions over the years that have allowed Umpqua Watersheds to continue the mission of the organization.