
Umpqua Watersheds Blog

In Memoriam, News

Remembering Larry Flanagan

Published March 9th, 2022 in In Memoriam, News


Umpqua Watersheds lost a dear friend recently. Larry Flanagan, known and loved by many in the greater Roseburg and environmental community, has died. Larry was a Watersheds board member in 1998 and 1999. Every organization could use a psychologist and peacemaker on their board. For us he was also a sage, councilor and a stand-up guy. Professionally he was the former Director of the Dept. of Mental Health in Douglas County. Known as a person who enjoyed people, he always had a ready smile, easy laugh, and listened to others. An activist, he became the mouthpiece and navigator for the 20 foot salmon puppet which became a feature of the Glide-Last Creek timber sale demonstration in the late 90’s. (Bob H. was the fish). He was a scholar and seeker of truth who studied happiness, Deep Ecology, and admired the wisdom of native cultures. He served his country in the military, his home in New Orleans, and the community of Roseburg. A mentor and helper to many, he believed in service to humanity.

When I am good, I am very good, but when I am bad I’m better.” MAE WEST—one of Larry’s favorite quotes.

Submitted by Bob Hoehne



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