Outreach Update..Summer 2020
Outreach Update… Janice Reid
Outreach activities over the last few months and some that were planned for the upcoming months have been postponed or cancelled. Most notable is the Annual Banquet and Silent Auction that was planned for April 4, 2020. The Coronavirus has made it impossible to hold or plan for events for large groups but like most of the world, we are adapting to the new reality and planning a virtual banquet. Our members are always so excited to attend our banquet and receive the update from our organization and we miss that excitement. Join us Tuesday, June 16th at 7 pm when we will release our virtual banquet and post it on our Facebook page LIVE (https://www.facebook.com/UmpquaWatersheds/) and on our website www.umpquawatersheds.org.
We are also planning on having our annual River Appreciation Day on July 18th at Steamboat Ball Field on the Umpqua National Forest near Steamboat Creek. This is a tentative plan since we have not received word that the campground is open. We will restrict it to Umpqua Watersheds members, donors, and AmeriCorps. We will also require that participants bring a mask, honor social distancing, and bring their own food, water, hand sanitizer, chairs etc. There will be no sharing.
It is exciting to report that KQUA has a new logo. We were going to unveil it at our fundraiser for the live streaming campaign, Friends and Family, at McMenamins on April 21 but the event was cancelled. We are actively working to proceed with our plans make KQUA live streaming and welcome any contributions to our cause. Funds are needed for the cost associated with live streaming and equipment. If you have a desktop computer with Windows 7 or later that you would like to donate to the cause, we would be happy to have your tax-deductible donation. Patrick Schneider has been busy keeping the community up to date on important information related to Covid-19 on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/KQUARadio/) and he organized and aired Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) for many of the non-profit businesses in the community. We have been fortunate that we have had a few underwriters to help with deferring costs associated with the radio and we could use more underwriters. It costs Umpqua Watersheds thousands of dollars every year to maintain and keep 99.7 KQUA on the airwaves and underwriting us to continue providing commercial-free public radio to our community by paying for our licensing to p
lay all types of music, engineering costs, electricity, and other programming needs. Supporting 99.7 KQUA can also be used a tax write-off. If you are a business and would like to be an underwriter, please contact us: Patrick@umpquawatersheds.org or KQUA@umpquawatersheds.org. Underwriting costs are just 50 cents for each mention with a $100 minimum. That’s 200 mentions on the radio! As we are all spending more time at home, radio listening has gone u
p and the name of your business could be mentioned on our community radio.
We are excited to get our hiking schedule back on track and have a few hikes planned. See our website for schedule of events and for signup https://umpquawatersheds.org/events/. We will be adding events as the plans firm up. Our social distancing and limit to the group size will apply to our hikes.
If you are interested in volunteering, visit our website https://umpquawatersheds.org/get-involved/volunteer/ and find an opportunity that is right for you.