Help Save the Beaver in Oregon
Dear Umpqua Watersheds Supporters:
Engineers are not necessarily what conservationists find endearing, however, when it comes to natural engineers, we are all for it. The state animal, the beaver, is key to healthy water systems. Beaver activity is beneficial to the instream retention of water and the slow release of water to downstream aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The filtration of water through beaver dams helps keep water clean. Our fight against climate change is aided by beaver activity. Despite all the facts through scientific research about the benefits of beavers to our environment and our future, the state of Oregon still allows beavers to be trapped and hunted.
On June 12, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will consider a proposal to ban hunting and trapping of beavers on our federal lands, where beavers are important in maintaining healthy upstream watersheds. This activity of a large rodent is so important and benefits all of us.
We need your help!
Please write to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission and let them know that you think it is time to end commercial and recreational beaver hunting and trapping on federally managed public lands in Oregon!!
We value our watersheds and recognize the overall benefits of beaver activity. Removal of beaver from federal land increases the chances of drought and climate change related effects. Scientists agree that the beaver component in our waterways is extremely valuable to combat many of the environmental problems that we face and will face into the foreseeable future.
Tell state officials to close all federally managed public lands in Oregon to beaver hunting and trapping, so we all can benefit from the natural engineers that nature gave us. Afterall, we are beaver believers.
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