
Umpqua Watersheds Blog


Fall 2017

Published September 7th, 2017 in Outreach

Diana Pace

Besides being Secretary for Umpqua Watersheds I also am the Volunteer Coordinator. This is a function that I cannot do without volunteers. To inspire you to volunteer with this wonderful organization I will tell you about the proven benefits of volunteering for all ages. We lead busy lives and the thought of adding another task to our schedules can be dismissive. We also know that volunteering makes a difference and has positive impact. Volunteering is rewarding and helps us find purpose at any age. When we volunteer we experience improved health and well-being and self-esteem. We make new friends and improve our minds. We learn new skills. We make a difference. The opportunity to get involved enables us to look beyond our own circumstances which can help us to solve problems and improve our community. Young folks can gain experience and new skills that can be used on a resume for a potential job or college application.

Umpqua Watersheds functions with volunteers such as the board of directors and the committees-WOW, Restoration, Conservation, Education, Outreach and DC Parc. We now also have a Facility Management Committee. We need volunteers to help plan and implement our big events such as River Appreciation Day, Brew Fest and UW Banquet. But we also need assistance at the office with simple tasks such as housekeeping, office aide or tech support. Come hang out with us!

I wandered in here one day and told them I really wanted to volunteer here. When I was accepted to the board in July 2016 I felt insecure and unknowledgeable. I wasn’t sure how I could be beneficial. Let me tell you, these folks are so encouraging and grateful for any kind of assistance. I can be me and help in the ways that I can best be of assistance and be valued and so can you. Please don’t think you have nothing to offer. Anything you are willing to do will be greatly appreciated. This is a great organization to be part of and participate in. Volunteering improves and supports our community by giving of your time and energy which helps Umpqua Watersheds meet our objectives. Contact me at and let me know what you are interested in and when you are available. You and your time are valued and appreciated.


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