Wilderness Update
Wyden’s rivers bill comes to life
After over 2 years of research, many town halls and public meetings, and 15,000 nominations from Oregonians across the state, Senator Ron Wyden’s [...]
Timber Tax Testimony requested
Dear Douglas County Water and Forest Advocates:
It is time to testify and lobby for improved timber tax fairness. SIGN UP TODAY (LINKS BELOW)
Letters to legislature needed
Dear fellow Beaver Allies & Advocates,
I am reaching out with a request for action in support of HB 2843, the legislative proposal to close recreational [...]
Wyden’s Bill Comes to Life!
Forest Management and Wildfire: Myth Meets Reality
Here we go again…
The fire lines weren’t even completed around the Archie Creek fire, and we still couldn’t see our neighbors’ houses through the smoke when the drumbeat of [...]
Take Action by Nov 29 Elliott State Forest
Have a say about how your local forests are preserved.
State denies beaver protection
On a 3-3 vote, beavers are left without protections.
Commission denies petition to consider ending beaver trapping on federal land in split vote
Work Group to continue
Biden team climate plan
Old Growth crucial to fighting Climate Change
Brooke Jarvis, Science, 04.01.2020
Nature is already socking away a lot of carbon for [...]
Spotted Owl Critical Habitat likely to decrease
The Trump [...]