
Umpqua Watersheds Blog


Outreach Update

Published September 16th, 2024 in Outreach

By Kasey Hovik

Don’t miss our 13th annual celebration of clean water, craft beer & green living in the Umpqua’s hundred valleys! Umpqua Outback Stage When? Where? Cost? behind Old Soul Pizza 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. $15 entry Live music around the clock! We are looking forward to the 13th Umpqua Brew Fest which will happen during the Roseburg Blocktober Fest event on Saturday, Oct. 5, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. One of the major goals of our Umpqua Outback Project was to enable us to have the UBF and other major events at our own facility, saving thousands of dollars in expense. Of the funds raised through the UBF, 100 percent will go to support our environmental education program. Sponsorship spots still open We are pleased the Addcox Heating Center will once again be our title sponsor, and that Hamm Dentistry will be our beer wagon sponsor. We are still looking for sponsors, including an Outback Stage sponsor to cover music costs — we’ll have a great line-up of music onstage; our sponsors cover all UBF expenses. Please check out our sponsorship opportunities and share them with businesses who might be interested. Taking it ‘Outback’ We are making progress on the Umpqua Outback Community Space! As expected, it is a slow process and will involve four phases with the goal of having the whole project complete by summer 2025. We are close to putting a roof on the stage. It took us almost four months to have Pacific Power remove the telephone next to the stage, and to put a roof up we need approval from five departments at the Roseburg City Planning Department. We are working with Levi Huffman Engineering to submit digital plans of the stage and then each planning department will do a site review — then we can apply for a building permit. We have raised almost $50,000 in cash and in-kind donations so far, but still need to raise an additional $50,000 for grants we are seeking. All donations are tax-deductible. Please consider donating at the project’s GoFundMe page. Every little bit helps!


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