10 events found.
Upper Rogue River Trail Hike
Saturday October 26, Umpqua Watersheds will lead a hike on the scenic Upper Rogue River Trail #1034, Takelma Gorge. The hike will be about 4 miles, with a Forest Service rating level as Easy. Carpooling is available by meeting at Roseburg library at 8am. Hikers must provide their own gear, snacks and drinks. More information […]
McMenamins Friends and Family Night
Mcmenamins Roseburg Station 700 SE Sheridan St, Roseburg, ORJoin us for Friends and Family Night at McMenamins Roseburg Station on November 12th, 2024 5 pm until closing. 50% of the dine-in sales will be donated to KQUA 99.7 radio station. Come meet the local radio show hosts, talk with the program manager, and pitch your ideas. This is your community radio station. Join […]
Roseburg Public Library 1409 NE Diamond Lake Blvd, Roseburg, OR, United StatesThe Douglas County Global Warming Coalition Presents CLIMATE CHANGE AND LIFE IN OUR COASTAL OCEAN How Global Warming Is Reducing Its Oxygen And Harming Marine Life Wednesday, November 13th, 6:30 PM — Roseburg Public Library’s Ford Room Featuring: Dr. Jack Barth Oceanography Professor at Oregon State University College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Dr. Barth […]
Celebration of Life for Em Hopfer
Douglas County Fairgrounds 2110 Frear St, Roseburg, Roseburg, OR
Open House Holiday Party
Umpqua Watersheds Office 539 SE Main St, Roseburg, ORJoin us on Friday December 20th at the Umpqua Watersheds Office at 539 SE Main Street in Roseburg for an open house Holiday Party. Music, snacks, and festive beverages will be provided. Come on down and chat, celebrate, and listen to music.
Art and Music Social!!
Umpqua Watersheds Office 539 SE Main St, Roseburg, ORRelax and take a take a moment to celebrate the power of art and music to bring people together in the Umpqua! Whether you’re an artist, a music lover, or just curious, this event is for you. Beat the winter blahs! Join us at the Umpqua Watersheds office for a relaxing evening of comradery. No […]
MLK Day of Park Restoration and Cleanup!
Please come together for the Martin Luther King Day of Service! January 20 from 9:00-1:00 in Roseburg. Join us for a special day dedicated to giving back to the incredible parks that make our town so unique. Together, we’ll tackle important restoration tasks like cleaning up litter, removing graffiti, controlling invasive species, replacing mulch, and […]
The Economic Costs of Climate Change for Oregon
Roseburg Public Library 1409 NE Diamond Lake Blvd, Roseburg, OR, United StatesJoin us as Ernie Niemi provides an exploration into the implications of climate change and the economic importance of natural resources. January 21 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Roseburg public library. Diana Pace will also be providing an update on the Crater Lake Wilderness Proposal.
Watershed Wednesdays
Old Soul Pizza Annex 533 SE Main Street, ROSEBURG, OR, United StatesWatershed Wednesdays is a monthly happy hour gathering at Old Soul Pizza for fellowship, engaging conversation, and opportunity to learn more about watershed initiatives.