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McKenzie River Trail (McKenzie Ranger Station to Deer Creek Road)- Friends of the Umpqua

March 7, 2020

March 7 – McKenzie River Trail (McKenzie Ranger Station to Deer Creek Road)Driving time: 2+ hours. Distance: This will be a shuttle hike starting at the McKenzie Ranger Station and ending at Deer Creek for a 9-mile hike. Mileage-challenged hikers can opt for a shorter 4 mile hike and call it good at Belknap Hot Springs. The McKenzie River Trail follows its namesake river and provides plenty of quality forest time. Spring flowers should be starting to bloom and the river is sure to entertain hikers and photographers alike. For more information contact Diana Pace 541-784-5004.  From McKenzie Ranger Station on Hwy 26, shuttle hike 9 miles along pristine river through old growth forest to Deer Creek Rd, or can do shorter 6 mi segment if choose.

Bring – Each person should bring water, lunch, layers of clothing including raingear. If you wish to carpool then please come prepared to share gas expenses. Driving time to trailheads and hike length are estimates only.

Be Prepared – Wear seasoned boots. Stay with the group and on the trail. If lost, stay put. Each hiker hikes at his or her own risk and is responsible for his or her own health, safety and welfare. Hiking destinations may be changed due to weather conditions or other concerns.

The hike coordinator will have you sign a SignInWaiver to participate.

Hikes are submitted to the News Review for publication. A schedule is also listed on this website and is posted on the club’s Facebook page.

Hike destinations are subject to change at the hike coordinator’s discretion due to weather conditions, etc.


March 7, 2020
Event Category:


Friends of the Umpqua Hiking Club
View Organizer Website

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