THE WINCHESTER DAM A Slow-Motion Ecological Disaster
by Ken Carloni
The Winchester Dam has degraded the fish runs and aquatic habitats of the North Umpqua River for over a century. It is currently undergoing repairs that will [...]
Winchester Dam Repairs Begin Despite Permitting Irregularities, Collapsing Summer Steelhead Run, and Fears of Another Fish Kill
Jim McCarthy, WaterWatch of Oregon, 541-941-9450,
Kirk Blaine, Native Fish Society, 307-299-7834,
Winchester Dam Repairs Begin Despite Permitting Irregularities, Collapsing [...] 2023 Banquet Speaker Marcy Cottrell Houle’s book A Generous Nature is available at the Umpqua Watersheds Office for $25. Stop by during office hours (M-W, 1-5 and TH-F, 9-1) and purchase the [...] by Robbin Schindele Members of Umpqua Watersheds and the Wilderness Committee went on a fine hike this month on the Jesse Wright section of the North Umpqua Trail. It [...] by Jessica Saxton The last few months have been pretty busy, which means there are lots being done! UW joined the Roseburg Parks and Recreation for their Arbor Day [...] by Janice Reid Timber harvesting and related activities such as road building can devastate forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Monitoring public land and the activities in our forests is of [...] by Ken Carloni by Kasey Hovik On Sunday, May 7th we celebrated the 27th Umpqua Watersheds Annual Membership Banquet. As always, it was great to see so many of our friends and supporters. [...] by Janice Reid
Umpqua Outback Covered Stage and Community Space
Book “A Generous Nature” on sale at Umpqua Watersheds Now
Wilderness Committee Update
AmeriCorps Update
Conservation Update- Illegal activities on BLM
CHANGES IN LATITUDE Super Bloomin’: Baja’s Central Desert Puts on a Rare Show
As a botanist and ecologist, experiencing a desert super bloom has been high on my bucket list, but has proved to be an elusive prize. [...]
Outreach Update
Education update
Umpqua Watersheds recently teamed up with Umpqua Community College and Umpqua Natural Leadership Science Hub to participate in a conference on Stream Amphibians and turtles [...]