by Ken Carloni
“A federal judge has found that a Trump-era rule change that allowed for the logging of old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest violates several laws.” NPR Aug. 31, [...]
Conservation Committee Update: Fall 2023
During the last few months, the Conservation Committee followed up with several state and federal projects.
In July, the Forest Service held an information meeting [...]
Wilderness Committee Update: Fall 2023
Hello everyone hope you had a fun summer. The Wilderness Committee has been chugging along, moving our efforts towards making the Crater Lake Wilderness a reality rather than [...]
Outreach Update: Fall 2023
We are making progress on the Umpqua Outback Community Space! As expected, it is a slow process and will involve 4 stages [...]
Executive Director’s Update: Fall 2023
Over the last couple of years Umpqua Watersheds (UW) has increased our focus on building partnerships and increasing collaborations to support our mission and our community. [...]
President’s Corner- Fall 2023
While I am not in the Umpqua Valley, my heart aches for the many friends challenged once again by the unhealthy smoke and threatening fires from the recent [...]
AmeriCorps Update- Fall 2023
…by Jessica Saxton
From one AmeriCorps to the next
My last day as Umpqua Watersheds’ AmeriCorps was July 31st, 2023. The Twin Lakes Youth Campout was the last activity [...]
Education Update-Fall 2023
UW Education committee and volunteers have been very busy this quarter having connected with 606 youth, 15 teachers/youth program instructors, and 44 adults. Totaling up [...]
THE WINCHESTER DAM A Slow-Motion Ecological Disaster
by Ken Carloni
The Winchester Dam has degraded the fish runs and aquatic habitats of the North Umpqua River for over a century. It is currently undergoing repairs that will [...]
Winchester Dam Repairs Begin Despite Permitting Irregularities, Collapsing Summer Steelhead Run, and Fears of Another Fish Kill
Jim McCarthy, WaterWatch of Oregon, 541-941-9450, jim@waterwatch.org
Kirk Blaine, Native Fish Society, 307-299-7834, kirk@nativefishsociety.org
Winchester Dam Repairs Begin Despite Permitting Irregularities, Collapsing [...]