Old Growth crucial to fighting Climate Change
Brooke Jarvis, Science, 04.01.2020
Nature is already socking away a lot of carbon for [...]
Spotted Owl Critical Habitat likely to decrease
The Trump [...]
PRESS RELEASE: Umpqua National Forest Announces Post-Fire Recovery Story Virtual Public Meetings
Umpqua National Forest announcing our Post-Fire Recovery Virtual Meeting Series beginning Thursday (Nov 19) and then every second Thursday of the months following. The [...]
Slow Ponies has a new album and will be in UV Magazine
A seven-piece all-woman band specializing in songs of the Silver Screen era, The Slow Ponies started singing together in 2004 although the members have been singing all their lives. Based [...]
Final Archie Creek Fire update
Free download about the Fur wars
ecologist | author | teacher | historian offers his 2 part book for free.
National Cleanup Day
We are now a part of National Clean Up Day.
Umpqua Watersheds President Ken Carloni will be on a panel discussion about wildlfires.
Wildfires in 2020: What set the stage for this historic event and what can we expect in the future?
The fires that broke out and spread across nearly 1 million [...]
NUT Hikes and Waterfalls
July 2020 Lemolo Falls on the NUT Dread and Terror segment is a spectacular 3 mile RT hike in a breathtaking forest. There’s 2 notable falls before stunning 102 foot [...]
Seeking Board of Directors members!
Umpqua Watersheds is seeking Volunteer Board of Directors applications.