KQUA Update Dec 2021
KQUA update…Patrick Schneider
It’s been a productive year for 99.7 KQUA. We have launched new programs, expanded our playlist, and have been working to improve our signal strength.
In the last year, 99.7 KQUA launched three new radio programs. President of Umpqua Watersheds, Janice Reid launched a music program called Earth in Tune which features nature-inspired songs. The show features a new theme each week. Earth in Tune is on every Saturday at 11am to noon and Sundays 4pm-5pm.
Ryan Kincaid, UW’s Director of Education and Outreach and our former AmeriCorps created a show called Living Downstream. The show is hosted by our current AmeriCorps member, Viviana Young. Living Downstream is a program for anyone who’d like to learn about environmental topics of interest in the Umpqua Watershed of southern Oregon, and the larger Pacific Northwest region.
Our third new program is Sunday Selecta hosted by local music DJ Eric Yo. Sunday Selecta is an hour-long program every first and third Sundays at 11am. The show features reggae music focusing on sub-genres of reggae music.
99.7 KQUA features other programs dedicated to music or the environment. Every Saturday and Sunday Stan Petrowski hosts Radio Active Restoration, an hour long program that discusses environmental issues. Frances Eatherington is the host of Conservation Today. There is no set schedule for Conservation Today. When there is a new episode, it airs next to Radio Active Restoration. Francis interviews people in Oregon about the environment. Our other environmental topic program is hosted by Andrew Collins called Coast Range Radio. The show is a half-hour program featured twice monthly.
99.7 KQUA is working on developing new programs. We are seeking people who enjoy discussing topics regarding the environment, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) issues, and voices from the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQI+) community. We’re excited to utilize our radio station, KQUA, as a platform for marginalized voices. If you are interested in hosting a radio program honoring diverse perspectives and elevating those who have been oppressed, please email your idea to ryan@umpquawatersheds.org. Shows can be music or talk programs.
99.7 KQUA is a Low-Power FM signal that reaches the majority of Roseburg. The station is only allowed to broadcast at 100 watts which does not cover much area and large parts of our community are left out. We tried to remedy this situation with a new antenna. Unfortunately, where the antenna is mounted, the antenna does not operate at its peak performance. To further remedy this issue we took advantage of an opportunity to upgrade our power output by filing for a new Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license.
We are excited about the recent announcement from the FCC that applications were being accepted for full-power educational FM’s known as NCE or Non-Commercial Education stations. These stations can put out larger amounts of wattage which would end up covering a large portion of Douglas County if we were to get it. Currently, the license has not been granted but it looks as if we will be awarded the license. If we receive the license and get it on air, KQUA will move to a different spot on the dial. The station will have coverage from Yoncalla, south to Canyonville and will be heard at least 10 miles east and west of I-5.
For those that can’t get 99.7 KQUA on their radio, 99.7 KQUA is working on a phone app for listeners to connect with KQUA via their smartphone. We reached out to Catchafire for the design and were able to get a nice, slick looking app for development. However, further development has been slow due to the company we contracted. The company employs college students and appears to only have one full-time employee. There is no timeline for completion as of now. But, 99.7 KQUA streams online at kqua.org. You can find podcasts of previous episodes of shows we air on the website.
We do announcements for non-profits and public institutions as well as underwriting spots for business supporters. 99.7 KQUA is a collaborative, work-in-process. We are thankful for the people who are currently contributing or have contributed to the station in the past. It takes a community to do this. People interested in contributing to 99.7 KQUA, either physically or financially can reach out to us via our website. If you are interested in providing community content or underwriting the radio, email kqua@umpquawatersheds.org.